13 ft - Young Baggie
13 ft - Young Baggie
YOUNG BAGGIE and OLD BAGGIE are the elder systers of BABYBAGGIE.
In this case, not having any limits to dimensions or sail surface as imposed by rating standards, we were able to choose the dimensions to our liking. The choice fell respectively on hull lengths of 4,00 m (YOUNG BAGGIE) and 4,60 m (OLD BAGGIE). A first observation is that, while on a dimension of 3 m the strip planking construction method finds few logical justifications - except as pure virtuous exercise (i.e. the time required is slightly disproportionate to the dimension of the boat which will form), with greater dimensions, the system – although remaining much longer and complex than with the plywood construction - is fully justified: time and effort are compensated for by the satisfaction of having a more prestigious and more beautiful boat. Furthermore, the differences of working times between the two systems diminish as the dimensions of the boat increase. If to realize a Ten-footer with strip planking may require double or treble the time compared to building it in plywood, just for a 4,50 m boat the difference is reduced by 50%. Even from the design point of view, the increase in dimensions allows us to choose better solutions. Compared to the BABY BAGGIE, both major versions have relatively less sail and are narrower. They are not extreme boats (in this respect they are different from the original sandbaggers) but are suitable for relaxation and are also elegant, fast and enjoyable to use. The cockpit is long until the stern and it is self emptying by means of two limber holes at transom. In the BABY BAGGIE, emptying of the cockpit is obtained through the centreboard trunk. The expedient thus adopted in order to have all the cockpit space free, is no longer necessary on the YOUNG BAGGIE and, on the OLD BAGGIE we have even foreseen a pulding centreboard instead of a dagger board. The space occupied by the centreboard trunk in the cockpit is much greater, but the advantages and functionality of this type of keel are enormous. The sail rigging is still with a gaff mainsail and a jib fitted on a fixed bowsprit and looks nice and traditional; efficiency (in relation to the Marconi) is better than normally believed and the sailing center remains - with equal surface - low. Mast, peak and boom may be made in wood as well as aluminum and specifications are given for both solutions.
Length: 4,00 m
Design: Paolo Lodigiani
Round hull, strip planking construction
Building skills: intermediate
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